Dear Friends and Neighbors,
My name is Idalia Lechuga-Tena and I am running for the New Mexico State Senate District 20. I became the first naturalized female from México to serve in the New Mexico Legislature in the history of this great state in 2015. I represented Albuquerque’s House District 21, which sits partly within this Senate District. It was the greatest honor of my life! I am a proud immigrant, who holds dual citizenship with the USA and México, and the only Hispanic in the race.
As a former legislator, I voted for strong democratic values and introduced several pieces of legislation that strengthened our communities. I fought to fix our crime crisis. I fought to create more jobs and diversify our economy. I fought for better pay for our teachers. I fought for healthcare for the most needy. I fought to alleviate homelessness, substance abuse, and mental illness. I fought for our veterans and seniors.
I am concerned about immigration and have spent time volunteering on the border assisting women and children with their credible fear hearings when seeking asylum in the US. We must push forward with New Mexico’s renewable energy future to protect the planet and our mother earth. We must fight to eliminate high prescription drugs costs so we are not forced to choose between our medicine and our kitchen table. We must take care of our veterans and our seniors and honor the commitments we have made. The work we have ahead is clear. We must continue to create a place where people can raise their families, grow their careers, and retire in a community they can thrive in.
Today, I ask for an opportunity to serve you once again. Together, let us work for change and progress. Let us focus on education, job creation, public safety, healthcare, and the well-being of all constituents. I believe schools are the cornerstone of our communities and I was proud to bring back some much needed capital outlay funding for our schools while my time as a State Representative. I know the process. I want to work for your agenda.
I am an entrepreneur, rancher, artist, avid violinist, community activist, animal lover, world traveler to over sixty countries, and philanthropist. I was raised here. I am a product of the Albuquerque Public Schools and attended Kirtland Elementary School, Wilson Middle School, and Highland High School. I am a proud graduate of the University of New Mexico with degrees in Economics, Political Science, and International Politics with international studies in Chihuahua-Mexico, Pamplona- Spain, and Paris-France. My published academic research is about immigration, and I am fluent in English, Spanish, French and Italian. I am a small business owner and I am committed to our community. I currently serve on the following boards: MANA de Albuquerque as Vice-President of Community Relations, Meals on Wheels of Albuquerque, President of La Mesa Community Improvement Association in the International District, Recuerda César Chávez Committee, Hispano Round Table, Hispanic Heritage Committee, and a member of the Glenwood Hills Neighborhood Association in our District. I am married to attorney Marco Gonzales. We attend Sunday services at St. John XXIII Catholic Church and we live on Tramway and Montgomery with our 14-year-old blind chihuahua dog, Kochinada.
I look forward to meeting you as I go door-to-door to hear your concerns. Please call me anytime! Let us work together to move New Mexico forward and work for the much needed change that we need.
I previously served in the House of Representatives for District 21, a portion of which makes up Senate District 20, where I voted for and upheld Democrat values.
New Mexico can, should, and will be a national leader in renewable energy. Our diversity and strength in common purpose will help Democrats turn this district blue and help move NM forward.
As a woman of color, an immigrant, and the only candidate in the race that was Albuquerque grown and raised, with your help, I will be your agent of change.
Contact Us
We would love to hear from you! Please send us an email anytime to stay in touch or if you have any questions. We look forward to hearing from you! Thank you.

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#working4change #luchandoXcambio
Please make donations to FRIENDS OF IDALIA and mail to
P.O. BOX 8653 ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87198.